Our Parish Life is vibrant and offers many ways to connect with others within the church for fun, fellowship and to build community.
Christ Church Players (CCP)
The core mission of Christ Church Players is two-fold: to build community within the parish, and to reach out into the greater community to help grow the church. This theatre troupe continues to develop as members discover God’s gifts within themselves. All are invited to join in, whether they be actors, musicians, stage hands, set designers, costume designers, photographers … and the list goes on.
For more information, contact the church office.
During the summer months, Coffee Hour is between the 10:00am Service in English and the 12:00pm Service in Spanish. All are welcome to the Parish Hall for coffee and light breakfast snacks. If you would like to volunteer or bring items, please contact Janet Orr.
On Mondays Nights at 6:30pm in Room 106 of Education Wing! Anyone at any level is welcome to join in – no commitment is necessary. We just get together to laugh and learn, and practice! For more information, please contact Karen Gordon.
Calling all ladies of Christ Church!! Let’s get together for food, fun and fellowship. Each month, we normally go out on the 2nd Thursday night for dinner or the 2nd Saturday/Sunday for breakfast/brunch. We try to find restaurants in the greater Norcross area and if we venture beyond Norcross, we have the option of carpooling. We are young or not, retired or not, single or not, with kids at home or not, and of different cultural backgrounds—there are no restrictions or qualifications for being in this group! For more information please contact Annette Stewart.
We are a group of guys at Christ Church who:
- Get together to grow spiritually through special events.
- Build lasting friendships by working side by side on service projects.
- Just plain have fun at many get-togethers like hiking, watching football, or monthly Tavern trivia. We meet the second Wednesday of the month at the Tavern at Medlock for Trivia – join us 7:00pm!
- If you have questions or are interested in joining, please reach out to our Men’s Group Leader: Matthew Tuel.
First Wednesday of the Month at 1:00pm!
PrimeTimers offers a time to intentionally bring together Seniors of our parish for fellowship and fun. The group meets for a potluck lunch after the noonday healing service on the first Wednesday of the month. All adult members of Christ Church are welcome – you really don’t need to be a “senior” to come! A few times a year guest speakers share topics of interest, but fellowship is the main goal!
If you are interested in attending or helping with PrimeTimers (rides to the church, donating food, helping set up or clean up), please contact coordinator Leslie Wengenroth.